THE AUTO TIE SYSTEMS MANUFACTURED BY INTERNATIONAL BALER CORP. are designed to operate with 10, 11 or 12 gauge Black Full Annealed baling wire.
For bale weights up to 1,500 lbs. and less than 72”, 11 or 12 gauge wire is recommended. Materials with a higher expansion rate 11gauge should be used.
For bale weights above 1,500 lbs. 10 gauge wire is recommended.
There are several physical properties that are required in the wire to operate effectively with the auto tie.
The minimum Baling Wire properties are: Carbon Range ….. 1018 to 1022
Tensile Rating ….. 65,000 – 70,000 PSI
% Elongation ….. 22% to 25%
The baling wire should be FULL ANNEALED ( Slow temperature rise – long dwell at annealing temperature and slow cool ). All black wire must have a surface oil coat to prevent rusting and reduce wire drag.
We HIGHLY recommend that you choose your baling wire supplier with care. The problems and costs associated with sub- standard wire can be SUBSTANTIAL. Use of sub- standard wire is the PRIMARY cause of most baler tying malfunctions.
International Baler Parts Dept. can meet all your baling wire needs for Vertical, Closed door, Auto Tie and Two Ram Balers.